“Shortstack is a replicable, mass timber housing product designed as a dynamic kit of parts. Depending on the lot size, zoning, and community context, Shortstack can shrink and grow to deliver responsive housing as quickly as possible, with a focus on “missing middle”-scale infill development.” - https://www.shortstackhousing.com/ 1/25/24
The Shortstack landscape design features common courtyards with lush greenery, playful custom site furnishings from reclaimed timbers, and a plant palette is drawn almost exclusively from the Pacific Northwest. Once built, the landscapes will also be Certified Backyard Habitat.
As of January 2024, the first Shortstack projects are just breaking ground in the SE Belmont and North Portland Boise-Eliot neighborhoods.
Completed: Currently under construction
Collaborators: Shortstack Housing (Developer), Works Progress Architecture, Vega Civil Engineering, Owen Gabbert LLC (General Contractor)
Press: Portland Monthly